Answered By: E-resources Team
Last Updated: 03 Jun 2024     Views: 23

When your reading list is changing to a different module, the best practice is to:

  • Copy the existing reading list - in Talis Reading Lists, once in the list > Edit > Copy List
  • Select the relevant time period and untick the "Copy hierarchy associations to new list?" option
  • You will then be taken to the new copied list - click on Edit > Edit List details > edit the reading list title to the new module name and code. You can edit the time period here also if you missed this in the previous step but please don't edit the other options
  • Link the reading list to the hierarchy by clicking on Edit > Hierarchy and student numbers > search for the new module code > select the relevant module name/code and edit the student numbers (if not known, input 10) > Save
  • If you cannot find the new module code, it will need adding to the hierarchy in Talis - please contact your Academic Subject Librarian for them to raise a ticket with the E-resources Team to add the new module to the system. The E-resources Team will also link the reading list to the new module.
  • You can edit the new module and when it is up-to-date send it for Review for your Academic Subject Librarian to check and review your list and publish it
  • We will then archive the old list in due course


If you had any digitisations on the old list, you will need to request these again on the new list. If all the information is the same, the digitisation system should pick up the existing digitised reading and automatically make it available. If you have any concerns, please contact us


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