When you request a journal article or a book chapter via the Inter Library Loan service, unless your have requested the item be posted to you, it will be delivered to your university email account from the British Library using the email address noreply@BLDSS.uk or direct from contentandcollections@lincoln.ac.uk if it is being supplied from another provider.
For items supplied by the British Library
Things to note
- The address your email will be sent from is noreply@BLDSS.uk
- The link in your email will expire after 30 days and cannot be reactivated. We recommend you download your document as soon as possible
- Check your Junk mail regularly for or ensure that noreply@BLDSS.uk is on your safe sender list
- If the digital item is defective or is the wrong item, please contact us as soon as possible. Once the link has expired we cannot rectify any problems with your document.
How to download your British Library supplied document
- Click on the link in the email to open up the page with the embedded link to your document. Example below.
- Now click on the ‘Click to download your document' to open your document

The document will usually be saved in your Downloads folder, but you may want to move it to somewhere more memorable.
- Drag the document from the Downloads folder into a new folder (e.g. My Documents or a memory stick).

- Please ensure you have Adobe Reader 10 (or above) on your device and it is selected as your default reader.
- Please note - Chrome, Apple & Windows 10 users:
- Chrome users - the Google Chrome PDF viewer can be disabled by typing the following "chrome://settings/content/pdf documents" into the address bar, then moving the slider to off.
- Apple users - please download Adobe Digital Editions from the app store, and create an Adobe account. Also, the PDF will not be viewable with Preview. You will need to make sure this is opened within Adobe software.
- Windows 10/Microsoft Edge - to change your default PDF viewer please go to System> Apps > Default Apps> Set PDF> select Adobe DC.
Need Help?
Any further queries, please check the Inter Library Loan Just Ask pages or contact us.